Saturday 7 May 2011

Today's Keyboard Shortcut - Getting To Your Web Browsers' Location Bar - For Windows & Mac Users.

If you want to cut down on time spent using your computer's mouse to navigate through your computer's desktop for example, then you need to know what is known as "keyboard shortcuts". A keyboard shortcut enables you to use a combination of your computers' keyboard keys while your hands are still on the keyboard. Using keyboard shortcuts saves you time and increases your efficiency in navigating your way through your computer's Desktop, files, folders and so on. I love keyboard shortcuts! I know you will too.

So, for today's keyboard shortcut, we will learn how to get to your web browser's Location Bar or Address bar using a combination of keys, instead of using your mouse, try this:

Windows Users:       alt key + D key   or  control key + L key

Mac Users:               command key + L key

The plus sign (+) above means to press down on one or more keys at the same time. So for Windows users, you would either press the alt key and the D key at the same time or the control key and the L key at the same time.

For more keyboard shortcuts, you can visit this link:


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