Thursday 5 May 2011

Today's tip for Mozilla Firefox Web Browser Users.

Why stress yourself out by either searching for a website on your web browser's Google toolbar or going to the Google website directly and then having to click the website's name again in Google's search results when you can just save time by typing in the name of the website on your web browser's Location Bar and have the web browser intuitively guess your website?

Well, there is a Firefox extension or Add-On called "Browse By Name" that you can download and install, that does a pretty good job most of the time. This is one AddOn that I definitely appreciate using again and again. Kudos to the creator of this App, Ehsan Akhgari. Be sure to download the latest version for your Firefox web browser.

So, as an example, let's say I want to visit the Bank of South Pacific's website. Instead of typing the full web address, I can just type in the browser's location bar these two simple key words: bsp pg. Voila!!! The browser takes you straight to the correct website!!!

Try this for the second example: unitech pg

This works most of the time, however be warned that you may be occasionally re-directed to a default Google search results page if the AddOn can't disambiguate the website you are trying to connect to. It works most of the time for me so I can't complain. :)

Examples of re-direction, type the following and try it out: telikom pg.

You can download it from here:

Please note, the above examples were not intended for any PR purposes related to those entities. :)

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